18561541 - head shower while running waterOnce you install a glass shower door in your home, you’ll want to keep it as pristine as possible. While there are plenty of conventional out there that tout a great cleaning experience, it’s also something you can accomplish on your own with DIY ingredients.

And, we get it. There’s going to be a build-up of suds and potential hard water marks to clean off your glass shower door. You won’t always have time to clean things off every use. That’s why these tips will help when it comes time to do a deeper clean in your bathroom.

Before we go into the details, there’s an important one we don’t want to skip. Even though these are natural ingredients, you must wear gloves as you clean with any of the techniques that are being discussed below.

The website Real Simple has a good mix that can be used for cleaning shower doors. It includes these ingredients:

  • One part distilled white vinegar
  • Three parts water

Then, you would need to microwave this for one minute. Put it in a spray bottle when it’s back to room temperature. One thing that Real Simple notes: you can use dishwashing liquid instead of vinegar if you have stonework in your shower, since vinegar can be too abrasive. Once you’re ready with the mixture, just spray it on the shower door and let it sit for about five minutes. Then, dry the door with a cloth. It’s best to use microfiber instead of something too harsh that might cause streaks. Also, leave the door open for a while to make sure the solution evaporates fully.

If you don’t want to use vinegar, there are other types of natural alternatives that you can use to help with shower door cleaning. Here are a few suggested by the Real Homes website.


Yes, it’s true. The acidic action of this fruit can be used as a cleaner. Just use three tablespoons of lemon juice and combine with a cup of distilled water. Again, use a spray bottle to cover the glass, leave it for five minutes, then dry it off.


This one may sound a bit extreme at first, but an expert on the Real Homes site swears by it. Use a half-cup of vodka to a full cup of water. It’s also a good idea to add an essential oil, about 10 drops. This is another one to mix in a spray bottle, but you simply spray and leave it wihtout rinsing or wiping.

Rubbing alcohol
This one was suggested by Martha Stewart, according to the Real Homes story. Just spray it on in a thin layer and then clean with a microfiber cloth.

Baking soda
This can be a simple measure to strictly work on the soap scum you may have built up on the glass doors. Simply take a bathroom sponge and dip it in some baking soda, then work on the specific soap scum stains in the detail. You can do this after using the cleaning solutions mentioned above.

While all of these are particularly effective on soap scum, there might be some additional hard water stains that may need a little extra work with either your vinegar or lemon cleaning mixture. Here’s something that you can do to help with those types of stains:

  • Start by working from the top of the shower door and then spraying in horizontal lines all the way down to the end, going from left to right.
  • Rinse off afterward.
  • Dry the doors with microfiber cloths as soon as possible.

There are also a couple of home-made methods that are recommended for hard water stains as well, so while they aren’t natural, they aren’t necessarily conventional either. 

One of these is the eraser-shaped cleaning sponge that you can buy easily in most supermarkets. This will be most effective for spot cleaning marks that have built up on the door. Be sure to rinse the sponge before you use it. 

The second idea is to use a fabric softener sheet as opposed to the microfiber cloth. You’ll still need to use your own cleaner mix, but using the sheet instead may be especially effective for tough-to-clean stains.

Glass shower doors that bring elegance to your home

Ease of cleaning is just one of the elements that makes glass shower doors such a great part of your home. As Utah’s most trusted customer glass shower door and specialty glass experts, we are able to transform this aspect of your home from the ordinary to something extraordinary.

For 20 years, we’ve brought together excellent craftsmanship, design skills and attention to detail to bring sliding glass, semi-frameless or European frameless doors to showers across the state. We are also conscientious about your budgetary needs and make sure our work is completed on time.

To find out more about the glass shower doors we offer in Salt Lake City, go to our website.

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